Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ringing in the New Year

It’s a new year...a fresh start...a chance for revival and renewal to take place in our hearts and homes.  For many of us it is a time to make “New Year’s Resolutions.”  But how long do those tend to last? 
While making a resolution is a great concept, keeping that resolution is the hard part!  What changes do you want to make this year -- personally (and inter-personally), physically, spiritually?  Maybe you want to eat better...workout more...be more outgoing...mend a relationship...have victory over a particular sin...
I know how I would like to change!  I can identify the besetting sins in my life; I want true freedom from those sins.  But is it enough just to know where and how we want to change?  Of course not.  We need to have a plan in place.  Develop a realistic plan and break it down into “mini-goals” that you can achieve (with the help of the Lord!).  And, of course, the key: stick to it.  Or modify it if necessary.  Ask a friend to hold you accountable to reaching your goal(s) this year.  Check in regularly with her (weekly, monthly) and be honest about how you are doing, what obstacles you face, and how she can pray for you.  If your goal regards issues of overcoming sin, be sure to seek God’s counsel in the Bible or ask a godly woman to help you do so.
Whatever your desires may be for this year, be sure to consult the Lord and seek His wisdom and help first and foremost!  He will help you discern whether your desires match up with His desires for you.
Blessings for the new year,

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