Think of the last time you were hungry. I mean really hungry. Your stomach yearned for food and may have let you know it with a obnoxious, sometimes embarrassing, growling sound! Do you experience the same kind of hunger in your soul for the Word of God, the Bible? If not, pray for it! I guarantee you that this is one request God will grant. You can begin to cultivate a love for God’s Word (or maintain that love) by faithfully reading it every day.
We all have to make time to read the Bible, just as we make time for many other activities throughout our day. The time will not just present itself; we have to plan for it and then follow through with our plan. What time of day is best for you (personally) to read the Bible? How long will you spend? What will you read? These are questions each of us need to answer.
Here is one more recommendation I offer you that will cultivate a great appreciation for God’s Word: study Psalm 119. It’s a long chapter, so take your time, reading perhaps just 5-10 verses a day. As you read, write down everything you learn about the Word of God: what it is, what it does, blessings that come from obedience to it, etc. Use some of the suggestions from my previous three posts to help observe the chapter. If you'd like to, go a step further and write a summary of what you learned that day. Spend some time in prayer, thanking Him for His Word and what He has taught you in just those few verses.
Remember to begin with a heart-felt prayer such as Psalm 119:218: “Open my eyes that I may behold wonderful things from Your law.” He will!
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