Thursday, May 3, 2012

Stepping Back

I realize I do not have a plethora of readers, but for the faithful few (whom I appreciate!) I am writing this brief post to let you know I am taking a step back from blogging for a bit. You may have noticed that I have not been very consistent with my writing for some time. I am trying to re-evaluate where my energy ought to be focused these days, especially being busy with 3 small children (and another on the way!). I am also praying about whether or not I should have a blog or website, and if I ought to narrow my focus somehow for a better content flow. (I appreciate your prayers in this matter, if the Spirit prompts you to pray for me.) I enjoy writing, and I want to do it in a way that edifies others and brings glory to God; I am just not certain if this is the writing avenue that the Lord wants for me, or that "I" want for me! Are you with me?  Maybe you can relate to those areas where you have a desire to do something, and may even go ahead and do it, but you still wonder if it’s God’s plan or your own.  Maybe you, too, need to take a step back and take time to pray about it and re-evaluate your own situation. May God give you wisdom, as I trust He will do for me as well.


  1. I enjoy your writing so much... you have a gift Rachel. Write when you have time and energy. Don't worry if you go months without time to sit and write, we'll keep checking your blog. We love you and are thrilled by your news of a new little one on the way!!!

  2. Rachel, I also enjoy your updates, but I know what you are saying - we really do enjoy your updates, even when they are not very frequent. Do what is best for your family and what is most honoring to God.
